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How to Say Family Members in Chinese
In China, to address correctly each family member takes years of practice (joking!). But for the little kids and new family members, it does seem more difficult to say the correct title in Chinese for the entitle family members and relatives than in English-speaking countries. In this article, you are going to learn what to call your family members or relatives in Chinese! Let's start with the basics! 1. Parents 爸爸 bàba, Dad 妈妈 māma, Mom 2. Siblings 哥哥 gēge, older brother 弟弟 dìdi, younger brother 姐姐 jiějie, older sister 妹妹 mèimei, younger sister 3. Grandparents Paternal side 爷爷 yéye, grandpa (father's father) 奶奶 nǎinai, grandma (father's mother) Maternal side 外公 wàigōng, grandpa (mother's father) 外婆 wàipó, grandma (mother's mother) 4. Aunts & Uncles Maternal uncle and his wife 舅舅 jiùjiu, uncle (mother's brother) 舅妈 jiùmā, aunt (wife of mother's brother) Paternal uncle (father's younger brother)and his wife 叔叔 s...
How to Say and Write Goodnight in Chinese
When you're traveling in China, you should use a polite greeting, when you need to ask for help or make the acquaintance of someone in China. However, greetings are given a much greater importance in China than they are in Western Countries. Today, this article will tell you how to say and write good night in Chinese , when you travel in Chinese-speaking locations, it will be very useful, and if you want to know more ways to say have a goodnight in mandarin, you can book our Travel Mandarin Course . It will tell you all what you want in travel. What do Chinese people say after the conversation? There are not as many choices. They normally say 再(zài)见(jiàn) , suitable for any time, any occasions. Or if it is late at night, people also say 晚安(wǎn'ān) , which means good night . Then, how to say goodnight in Chinese? Good Night! 晚(wǎn)安(ān) ! ('wan' is 'w'+'on' with a descending then rising tone; 'an' is 'on' with a sustained tone). Eng...
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