Learn Chinese Idiom- 九牛二虎之力


jiǔ niú èr hǔ zhī lì
the strength of nine bulls and two tigers -- tremendous effort

For example:
wǒ huā le jiǔ niú èr hǔ zhī lì bǎ mén xié yǐ zài ānɡ zɑnɡ de wài qiánɡ shànɡ zài fǔ shēn ná qǐ lā jī dài de shí hou zhè mén tū rán pínɡ de ɡuān shànɡ le xià dé wǒ pínɡ kōnɡ tiào qǐ  yīnɡ chǐ

After I finally get the door to lean against the grimy brick exterior and lean over to pick up the bag, the door slams shut, making me jump about 6 feet in the air.


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