Chinese Character Recognition

To learn Chinese, I believe the Chinese character is a hurdle for many people. Especially for people whose mother tongue just includes the alphabet, it is more difficult in the beginning. Because this is a new field actually, the field never experienced. So obviously, when we just get started with the Chinese characters, it will certainly be a little difficult. But it should be noted that, learning Chinese characters is the same as we learn Pinyin actually, there is also the regularity.
Firstly, the component of Chinese character such like pinyin, is composed by a number of simple structure. In simple terms, we can think them firstly as: Stroke. There are lots of strokes for Chinese character. For example, the basic strokes of Chinese characters are as flow:
点 diǎn 广guǎng 横钩 héng gōu 写 xiě
横 héng 王 wáng 横折钩 héng zhé gōu 月yuè
竖 shù 巾 jīn 横折弯钩 héng zhé wān gōu 九jiǔ
丿 撇 piě 白 bái 横撇弯钩 héng zhé piě gōu 那 nà
捺 nà 八 bā 横折折折钩 héng zhé zhé zhé gōu 奶 nǎi
提 tí 打dǎ 竖折折钩 shù zhé zhé gōu 与yǔ
撇点 piě diǎn 巡 xún 竖弯 shù wān 四 sì
竖提 shù tí 农 nóng 横折弯 héng zhé wān 沿 yán
横折提 héng zhé tí 论 lùn 横折 héng zhé 口 kǒu
弯钩 wān gōu 承 chéng 竖折 shù zhé 山 shān
竖钩 shù gōu 小 xiǎo 撇折 piě zhé 云 yún
竖弯钩 shù wān gōu 屯 tún 横撇 héng piě 水 shuǐ
斜钩 xié gōu 浅 qiǎn 横折折撇 héng zhé zhé piě 建 jiǎn
卧钩 wò gōu 心 xīn 竖折撇 shù zhé piě 专 zhuān
Of course, these Strokes also have rules to write.
Secondly, let us know about: the radical. In the learning time, we consider the radical is composed by strokes and the character is composed by the radical and the remained one, if you think it can help more. The radical sometimes can help us to remember well, or we can think of the meaning of a word by using this. For example, the common radicals:
Stroke Name Example
两点水(liǎngdiǎnshuǐ) 次、冷、准
秃宝盖(tūbǎogài) 写、军、冠
言字旁(yánzìpáng) 计、论、识
单人旁(dānrénpángr) 仁、位、你
双耳旁(shuāng'ěrpáng) 左耳刀(zuǒ'ěrdāo) 右耳刀(yòu'ěrdāo) 防、阻、院
三点水(sāndiǎnshuǐ) 江、汪、活
竖心旁(shùxīnpáng) 怀、快、性
宝盖(bǎogài) 宇、定、宾
广 广字旁(guǎngzìpáng) 庄、店、席
走之儿(zǒuzhīr) 过、还、送
提土旁(títǔpáng) 地、场、城
草字头(cǎozìtóu) 艾、花、英
提手旁(tíshǒupáng) 扛、担、摘
方匡(fāngkuàng) 因、国、图
双人旁(shuāngrénpáng) 行、征、徒
反犬旁(fǎnquǎnpáng) 狂、独、狠
食字旁(shízìpáng) 饮、饲、饰
子字旁(zǐzìpáng) 孔、孙、孩
四点(sìdiǎn) 杰、点、热
火字旁(huǒzìpáng) 灯、灿、烛
Then there is the structure of the Chinese characters. Characters have a common structure: up and down, left and right, surrounded by half, and so on. . .
This is a simple example of Chinese characters:
For example, "人", the basic meaning of this word is : Man, person. It is composed by the left-falling stroke and the right-falling stroke. And it is one of the Chinese characters which we using often. In fact, we can imagine this character is like "a man walking", that is more conducive to remember.
Then, here we can look at these characters: 你,做,伴,休. When you see these characters, what we can know by these? In fact, the left one is the character "person", because we use it here as a radical, we write it as "亻". So these characters should be the awareness of people-related, right? Yes, from left to right means are: you; to do; companion, stop or rest…
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