Popular Highly Recommended Chinese Listening Resources

chinese listening resource

Listening skills is believed as the most fundamental ability to master a foreign language. It plays an important role when you try to operate a fluent talk with the native people. Good listening comprehension sometimes equals to a successful communication, especially when you find the fact that people spend more time in listening rather than speaking when they want to continue a speak. However, considering too much requirements it needs, such as plentiful vocabularies, quick response and good word-organizing ability, it is regarded as the most difficult skill to develop as well.
In spite of the strict components it demands, there are ways to reach the good listening level by regular exercises. In this essay, I will introduce you several kinds of materials and tips to practice Chinese listening on the basis of various Chinese learning levels.

For beginners

1. Among all the basic Chinese learning books, the series from 1 to 3 of “Our Chinese Classroom”(我们的汉语教室) is well recommended due to the reason that the book is logically organized, and at the end of each book, it is attached with one CD form containing all the learning contents of the book, you can improve your listening ability via learning it according to the scrips of each unit.
2. the online Confucius Institute
Plenty of Chinese idioms, popular words can be found in this website. It is also accessible to the free lessons with listening , videos, and scripts both in Chinese characters and pinyin, as well as the translation in various language.

For intermediate learners

1. the exercise materials of listening online
This is the website of HSK(Chinese level test), where you can download the paper and mp3 in your computer, as well as do the practice online after you register in the website. The level varies from HSK 1 to 6, you can make a clear progress by passing different levels gradually.
2. Listening resources of Hanbridge Mandarin
Learn Chinese through songs
Chinese listening Course
For the learners with a good master of Chinese vocabularies, it is a good way for them to go by studying Chinese songs. Songs like “甜蜜蜜””茉莉花” “我只在乎你””新年快乐” are widely-spread. In our website, you can find demos to follow to learn Chinese songs. Besides, we are also available to provide different types of listening courses online.

For advanced students

The voice of China
This one is famous for quantities of radio programs about Chinese news, providing a good learning platform for those students who have already achieved good performance in Chinese listening comprehension.
At last, here are also some tips when practicing with these materials.
Firstly, keeping a relaxed, natural and steady mood is a kind reminder to start the listening works. In other words, it is quite essential to establish self-confidence and to develop excellent psychological quality in the improvement of aural ability. While doing the listening exercises, we could make some simple notes with specific aims, such as write down all the names you heard or recalling all the places you got, and so on in order to grasp a quick understanding of the key words in the sentence. Most importantly, it is catching the drift of the content which is important when you communicate with others rather than wasting time in figuring out every meaning of the word.The last thing to remember is that every concession and transition words should be paid close attention to in order to get a correct comprehension towards the aims of the speakers. These speaking usually contains personal feelings and various attitudes, including the words like however, but, even though, no matter, whatever...
Anyways, if you want to improve your Chinese listening skill in a short time, the best way is to practice through Chinese listening course, here to book a free trial lesson and let our teachers help you now!


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