Chinese Vocabulary about 2016 United States Presidential Election


The 2016 US Presidential Election has drawn worldwide attention, which arises lots of debates in China too. I believe you have already been asked who you support or whom you think will win the election. So today, let’s learn some Chinese phrases about 2016 United States Presidential Election to get you prepared in case you need to introduce it to your Chinese friend or are asked by Chinese people ‘So do you think Trump will win?’
First, let’s check out the names of the two candidates (候选人hòuxuǎnrén) of the 2016 United States Presidential Elections (美国总统大选 měiguó zǒngtǒng dàxuǎn):
Hillary Clinton 希拉里·克林顿 Xīlālǐ Kèlíndùn
Donald Trump 唐纳德·特朗普 Tángnàdé Tèlǎngpǔ / Tángnàdé Chuānpǔ
Usually, Chinese people will call them Xīlālǐ and Chuānpǔ for short. As always, the fight is between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, each having their own candidates. To present these two candidates of their own parties, we can use these sentences:
1. 希拉里·克林顿是民主党的总统候选人。

Xīlālǐ Kèlíndùn shì mínzhǔdǎng de zǒngtǒng hòuxuǎnrén.
Hilary Clinton is the presidential nominee of the Democratic Party.
2. 唐纳德·特朗普是共和党的总统候选人。

Tángnàdé Tèlǎngpǔ shì gònghédǎng de zǒngtǒng hòuxuǎnrén.
Donald Trump is the presidential nominee of the Republican Party.
3. 我支持川普/ 希拉里。

zhīchí Chuānpǔ / Xīlālǐ.
I support Trump/ Hilary.
4. A: 你觉得谁会成为新的美国总统?

Nǐ juédé shuí huì chéngwéi xīn de Měiguó zǒngtǒng?
Whom do you think will become the new president of America?
B: 我觉得川普/ 希拉里会成为新的美国总统。

Wǒ juédé Chuānpǔ / Xīlālǐ huì chéngwéi xīn de Měiguó zǒngtǒng.
I think Trump / Hilary will be the new president of America.
Then, with the end of third debate at Las Vegas and the final elections on the 8th of November approaching, lots of hot news related to Hilary and FBI issues surprised Americans again. After a series of breaking news, people are reconsidering their votes too. Here is the conversation you may use:
A: 你看了总统辩论吗?你觉得他们的表现怎么样?

Nǐ kànle zǒngtǒng biànlùn ma? Nǐ juéde tāmen de biǎoxiàn zěnmeyàng?
Did you watch the presidential debate? What do you think about their performance?
B: 我看了。我觉得川普/ 希拉里的演讲讲得很好。

Wǒ kànle. Wǒ juéde Chuānpǔ de / Xīlālǐ de yǎnjiǎng jiǎng de hěn hǎo!
Yes, I did. I think Trump’s / Hilary’s speech was well said!
A: 我不同意。我觉得川普/ 希拉里的拉票做得更好。

wǒ bù tónɡ yì. wǒ jué dé chuān pǔ xī lā lǐ de lā piào zuò dé ɡènɡ hǎo.
I don’t agree. I think Trump’s / Hilary’s campaign is better.
Extra Vocabulary
民调 mín diào - poll

投票 tóu piào - to vote/ voting

形象 xíng xiàng - image

希拉里邮件门 Xīlālǐ yóujiàn mén - Hilary’s private server

白宫 Bái gōng - The White House

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