Common Chinese verbs - Chinese verbs list


As we know, the Chinese sentence structure is: Subject-Predicate-Object. Subject and object normally are nouns. And predicate are mostly verbs. So in addition to master a large number of nouns, it also will be very helpful if you can have more verbs in learning Chinese.
Chinese verbs can be classified into different categories according to their different semantic characteristics. To help you better understand this, we have divided up the most common and useful into the list and categories below.
Types of verb NO. Verbs Example sentence Negation (present/past)
Action verb 1. chī,hē,yào,mǎi,qù, 吃, 喝, 要, 买, 去, (to eat,drink,want,buy,go, kàn, tīnɡ, shuō 看, 听, 说 .... Look,listen,speak...) Wǒ yào yìbēi kāfēi。 我 要 一杯 咖啡。 (I want a couple of coffee.) 不 [bù]/没 [méi]
Existential Verbs 2. zài,fāshēnɡ,chūxiàn... 在, 发生, 出现 ... (to be at /in/on ..., happen,appear..) Láobǎn zài ɡōnɡsī。 老板 在 公司。(Boss is in the company.) 不 [bù]/没 [méi]
Existential Verbs 3. Yǒu 有(have /there is/are) Wǒ yǒu yí ɡè mèimei。 我有一个妹妹。 (I have a sister.) Wǒjiā fùjìn yǒu yí ɡè ɡōnɡyuán。 我家附近有一个公园。 (There is a park near my house.) 没 [méi]/没 [méi]
Relation verbs 4 shì,xiànɡ... 是 ,像 ... (to be a verb, be like..) Tā shì wǒ de ɡēɡe。 他 是 我 的 哥哥。 (He is my elder brother.) Tā xiànɡ wǒ de ɡēɡe。 他像我的哥哥。 (He looks like my brother.) 不 [bù]/不 [bù]
Auxiliary verbs 5 huì,nénɡ,kéyǐ,yào,bìxū, 会, 能, 可以,要,必须, (can, need,have to,) yīnɡɡāi 应该 .... (should...) Wǒ yào qù Měiɡuó chūchāi。 我要去美国出差。 (I need go to the United States on a business trip) 不 [bù]/不 [bù]
Directional verb 6 lái,qù,shànɡ,xià, 来,去, 上,下, (to come,go,go up,go down,) chū,huí... 出 ,回... (go out,come back) tāxiàɡèyuèhuífǎɡuó。 他下个月回法国 。(He will go back to France next month) 不 [bù]/没 [méi]
Psychological verb 7 Ài,hèn,xiǎnɡ,xǐhuɑn, 爱, 恨, 想 , 喜欢 , (love,hate,think,like,) tǎoyàn、xīwànɡ... 讨 厌 、希望 ... (hate,hope...) Wǒ xǐhuɑn lánsè。 我 喜欢 蓝色。 (I like blue.) 不 [bù]/不 [bù]
Please Note: psychological verbs can be modified by degree adverbs. But it still exists difference between with adjectives. Namely the psychological verbs can take an object behind of it, adjectives usually can't.
If you want to learn more Chinese verbs, here to contact us and let our teachers help you now!


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