2018 Mid-Autumn Festival
Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节,每年的农历八月十五,和春节、清明节、端午节并称中国四大传统节日。 “ 中秋节 ” 这天是法定节假日,放假一天。今年的中秋节是 9 月 24 号,星期一, 22 号到 23 号放假 3 天。 Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival, Tomb-Sweeping Day, and Dragon Boat Festival are known as the four main traditional festivals in China. Mid-Autumn Festival is a national holiday and people have the day off from work. This year, Mid-Autumn Festival is on Monday, September 24 th , which falls on August 15 th in the Lunar calendar. It will be a 3-day holiday from the 22 nd to 23 rd . 中秋节的来历和传说 (How did Mid-Autumn Festival come about?) 关于中秋节的传说很多,其中最有名、流传最广的就是 “ 嫦娥奔月 ” 的故事。很久以前,相传天上有十个太阳,地里的庄稼都被晒死了。一个名叫后裔的人,他力气很大,他用弓箭一口气射下了九个太阳。一天,后裔得到了一包不老仙药,只要吃下药,就能变成神仙。后裔把药交给妻子 —— 嫦娥保管。后裔的徒弟趁后裔不在家,就去偷仙药,嫦娥情急之下把药吃了。之后,身体就飘出了窗外,飞向了月亮。后裔思念妻子,就摆了些嫦娥爱吃的东西,对着月亮,其他百姓也摆出了食物向月亮祈求平安。那天正好是农历八月十五,于是,每年的农历八月十五就成 “ 中秋节 ” 了。 There are many legends about Mid-Autumn Festival, and the most famous and widespread one is called “Chang E Ben Yue ”. A long time ago, the legend...