Frequently Used Chinese Sentences – Physical State 


Nowadays, people concerns our physical states more than in past times. We keep exercising, having nutritional food, and taking more healthcare products. When it comes to the state of our body, we won't talk crap as before. But we still fall into weak health condition sometimes, how should we express that we are not comfortable when faced with a doctor? Today, we're going to share some frequently used Chinese sentences about our physical state.

Let's listen to the audio:

wǒ zuì jìn jué dé shēn tǐ hěn bù shū fu。
1. 我最近觉得身体很不舒服。
(I feel uncomfortable these days.)

nǐ qù kàn yī shenɡ le mɑ?
2. 你去看医生了吗?
(Did you go to see a doctor?)

nǐ zhè yànɡ de qínɡ kuànɡ yǒu duō jiǔ le?
3. 你这样的情况有多久了?
(How long have you been like this?)

qǐnɡ wèn zài nǎ lǐ ɡuà hào?
4. 请问在哪里挂号?
(Where should I register, please?)

qǐnɡ wèn yào fánɡ zài nǎ lǐ?
5. 请问药房在哪里?
(Where is the pharmacy, please?)

nǐ nǎ lǐ bù shū fu?
6. 你哪里不舒服?
(Where do you feel uncomfortable? = What’s troubling you?)

nǐ yào mǎi shén me yào?
7. 你要买什么药?
(What kind of medicine do you want?)

wǒ xiǎnɡ mǎi yì xiē ɡǎn mào yào hé wéi shēnɡ sù piàn?
8. 我想买一些感冒药和维生素片。
(I want to buy some cold cure and vitamin tablets.)

wǒ xiān bānɡ nǐ liànɡ yí xià tǐ wēn bɑ!
9. 我先帮你量一下体温吧!
(Let me take your temperature firstly.)

nǐ xū yào zuò yí ɡè quán miàn jiǎn chá?
10. 你需要做一个全面检查。
(You need to take a full body check-up.)

wǒ de bó zi yòu suān yòu tònɡ。
11. 我的脖子又酸又痛。
(My neck is sore and painful. )

wǒ fā shāo le,tóu hěn tònɡ,ké sou dé hěn lì hɑi。
12. 我发烧了,头很痛,咳嗽得很厉害。
(I got a fever, feeling headache, and got a serious cough.)

liú bí tì mɑ?
13. 流鼻涕吗?
(Is your nose running?)

tā shāo dé hěn lì hɑi,yào qù èr lóu yàn yí xià ér xuè。
14. 她烧得很厉害,要去二楼验一下儿血。
(She got such a serious fever that she needs to take a blood test on the 2nd floor.)

qǐnɡ wèn shén me shí hou ké yǐ lái ná huà yàn dān。
15. 请问什么时候可以来拿化验单。
(When can I get the laboratory test report, please?)

wǒ de wèi hěn bù shū fu,kě nénɡ zuó tiān chī huài le dù zi。
16. 我的胃很不舒服,可能昨天吃坏了肚子。
(I feel stomachache. Maybe I had something wrong yesterday.)

tā zuó wǎn shī mián le,suó yǐ jīn tiān zhuànɡ tài hěn bù hǎo。
17. 他昨晚失眠了,所以今天状态很不好。
(He lost sleep yesterday, so he goes in a poor condition today.)

zuì jìn hěn duō rén dé liǎo liú ɡǎn,suó yǐ nǐ yào hǎo hǎo bǎo zhònɡ shēn tǐ ā。
18. 最近很多人得了流感,所以你要好好保重身体啊!
(Many people got flu these days, so please take care of yourself!)

nǐ yào duō hē shuǐ,hǎo hǎo ér xiū xi。
19. 你要多喝水,好好儿休息。
(You should drink more water, and have a good rest.)

yī shenɡ ɡěi wǒ kāi le yì xiē yào,xiàn zài wǒ ɡǎn jué yǐ jīnɡ hǎo duō le。
20. 医生给我开了一些药,现在我感觉已经好多了。
(The doctor made a prescription for me. I feel much better right now.)

And welcome to click here to listen to the last post about Prepositions of Locality.

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