Chinese vocabulary for countries

When introduce yourself to foreigner, it’s unavoidable to mention where you come from. You don’t need to spend a lot of effort to learn how to tell others what your nationality is in Chinese, the guide below is easy to follow.
First of all, learn how to write and pronounce the name of your country in Chinese Mandarin.
Basic Chinese Words for Countries
Chinese | Pinyin | English |
阿富汗 | ā fù hàn | Afghanistan |
阿根廷 | ā gēn tíng | Argentina |
澳大利亚 | ào dà lì yà | Australia |
比利时 | bǐ lì shí | Belgium |
玻利维亚 | bō lì wéi yà | Bolivia |
巴西 | bā xī | Brazil |
柬埔寨 | jiǎn pǔ zhài | Cambodia |
喀麦隆 | kā mài lóng | Cameroon |
加拿大 | jiā ná dà | Canada |
智利 | zhì lì | Chile |
中国 | zhōng guó | China |
哥伦比亚 | gē lún bǐ yà | Colombia |
哥斯达黎加 | gē sī dá lí jiā | Costa Rica |
古巴 | gǔ bā | Cuba |
丹麦 | dān mài | Denmark |
多米尼加 | duō mǐ ní jiā | Dominican Republic |
厄瓜多尔 | è guā duō ěr | Ecuador |
埃及 | āi jí | Egypt |
萨尔瓦多 | sà ěr wǎ duō | El Salvador |
英格兰 | yīng gé lán | England |
爱沙尼亚 | ài shā ní yà | Estonia |
埃塞俄比亚 | āi sāi é bǐ yà | Ethiopia |
芬兰 | fēn lán | Finland |
法国 | fǎ guó | France |
德国 | dé guó | Germany |
加纳 | jiā nà | Ghana |
希腊 | xī là | Greece |
危地马拉 | wēi dì mǎ lā | Guatemala |
海地 | hǎi dì | Haiti |
洪都拉斯 | hóng dōu lā sī | Honduras |
印尼 | yìn ní | Indonesia |
伊朗 | yī lǎng | Iran |
爱尔兰 | ài ěr lán | Ireland |
以色列 | yǐ sè liè | Israel |
意大利 | yì dà lì | Italy |
日本 | rì běn | Japan |
约旦 | yuē dàn | Jordan |
肯尼亚 | kěn ní yà | Kenya |
韩国 | hán guó | Korea |
老挝 | lǎo wō | Laos |
拉脱维亚 | lā tuō wéi yà | Latvia |
立陶宛 | lì táo wǎn | Lithuania |
马来西亚 | mǎ lái xī yà | Malaysia |
墨西哥 | mò xī gē | Mexico |
摩洛哥 | mó luò gē | Morocco |
荷兰 | hé lán | Netherlands |
新西兰 | xīn xī lán | New Zealand |
尼加拉瓜 | ní jiā lā guā | Nicaragua |
挪威 | nuó wēi | Norway |
巴拿马 | bā ná mǎ | Panama |
巴拉圭 | bā lā guī | Paraguay |
秘鲁 | mì lǔ | Peru |
菲律宾 | fēi lǜ bīn | Philippines |
波兰 | bō lán | Poland |
葡萄牙 | pú táo yá | Portugal |
波多黎各 | bō duō lí gè | Portugal |
罗马尼亚 | luó mǎ ní yà | Romania |
俄罗斯 | é luó sī | Russia |
沙特 | shā tè | Saudi |
西班牙 | xī bān yá | Spain |
瑞典 | ruì diǎn | Sweden |
瑞士 | ruì shì | Switzerland |
台湾 | tái wān | Taiwan |
塔吉克斯坦 | tǎ jí kè sī tǎn | Tajikistan |
泰国 | tài guó | Thailand |
土耳其 | tǔ ěr qí | Turkey |
乌克兰 | wū kè lán | Ukraine |
美国 | měi guó | United States |
乌拉圭 | wū lā guī | Uruguay |
委内瑞拉 | wěi nèi ruì lā | Venezuela |
越南 | yuè nán | Vietnam |
威尔士 | wēi ěr shì | Vietnam |
Learn How to Tell Your country in Chinese.
Actually, the Chinese expression of where you are coming from is similar with English. Let's start with some simple dialogsDialog 1:
A: 你来自哪里?nǐ lái zì nǎ lǐ
Where are you from?
B: 我来自美国。wǒ lái zì měi guó
I’m from America.
The rule is:
I’m from + the name of your country
Of course, you can talk more details, especially toward to those people you have a favorable impression, for example:
我来自美国芝加哥州。wǒ lái zì měi guó zhī jiā gē zhōu
I am from Chicago, IL in America.
Dialog 2:
A: 你是哪里人?nǐ shì nǎ lǐ rén
Where are you come from?
B: 我是美国人。wǒ shì měi guó rén
I am American.
The rule is:
I’m + country + person
Please Note: Nationality (国籍guó jí) is a formal word used in written Chinese or when filling out the form of the immigration to China. Therefore, don’t say so: 我的国籍是中国。(My nationality is China.), the correct answer is: 我是中国人。(I’m Chinese).
Well, 我是中国人(I’m Chinese), 我来自中国(I’m from China). What about you? Tell me in Chinese!
I'm Lilian Li, a Chinese teacher from Hanbridge Mandarin, I'm good at teaching daily Chinese, business Chinese, HSK preparation and Kid's Chinese. If you're interested to learn Chinese with me, here to get started!
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