Chinese Vocabulary for Going to the Supermarket

No matter you live in China or just travel in China, going to the supermarket seems like the necessary things for your basic life. Here we list the most useful Chinese vocabulary of going to the supermarket. You’ll be able to buy stuff in Chinese market or grocery store without a language barrier after learning the following vocabularies.

Vegetables - shū cài 蔬菜

Tomato - Xīhóngshì 西红柿
Cabbage - Juǎnxīncài 卷心菜
Onion - Yángcōng 洋葱
Green onion - Cōng 葱
Ginger - Jiāng 姜
Garlic - Suàn 蒜
Mushroom - Mógu 蘑菇
Potato - Tǔdòu 土豆
Carrot - Húluóbo 胡萝卜
Eggplant - Qiézi 茄子
Cucumber - Huángguā 黄瓜
Hot pepper - Làjiāo 辣椒

Meats - Ròu 肉

Pork - Zhū ròu 猪肉
Beef - Niú ròu 牛肉
Fish - Yú 鱼
Chicken - Jī ròu 鸡肉
Sausage - Xiāngcháng 香肠
Shrimp - Xiā 虾
Crab - Xiè 蟹

Fruits - Shuǐguǒ 水果

Banana - Xiāngjiāo 香蕉
Apple - Píngguǒ 苹果
Orange - Chéng 橙
Pear - Lí 梨
Watermelon - Xīguā 西瓜
Grapes - Pútáo 葡萄
Cherry - Yīngtáo 樱桃
Lemon - Níngméng 柠檬
Coconut - Yézi 椰子

Imported Foodstuff - jìn kǒu shí pǐn 进口食品

Milk - 牛奶 niú nǎi
Jelly - 果冻 ɡuǒ dònɡ
Chocolate - 巧克力 qiǎo kè lì
Learn more Chinese words about food here: Food and Drink Vocabulary in Chinese.

Daily Necessities - rì yònɡ pǐn 日用品

Soap - 香皂 xiānɡ zào
Towel - 毛巾 máo jīn
laundry detergent - 洗衣液 xǐ yī yè
Dish washing liquid - 洗洁精 xǐ jié jīnɡ
Toilet paper - 卫生纸 wèi shēnɡ zhǐ
Sanitary napkin - 卫生棉 wèi shēnɡ mián

Other Words 

Entrance - 入口 rù kǒu
Exit - 出口 chū kǒu
Cashier desk - 收银台 shōu yín tái
Credit card - 刷卡 shuā kǎ
Cash - 现金 xiàn jīn
Bag - 袋子 dài zi
Membership card - 会员卡 huì yuán kǎ
Shopping cart - 购物车 ɡòu wù chē

Useful Sentences

Where are the ...? - ... zài nǎlǐ? ...在哪里?

Excuse me, is there... here? - qǐnɡ wèn zhè lǐ yǒu mɑ?请问, 这里有...吗?

Please wait a moment. - Qǐng děng yīxià 请稍等。

What is that? - Na shì shén me? 那是什么?

Excuse me, where is the cashier? - qǐnɡ wèn shōu yín tái zài nǎ lǐ 请问收银台在哪里?

Do you need a bag? - Nǐ xūyào yīgè dàizi? 你需要袋子吗?

Do you have a membership card? - qǐnɡ wèn yǒu huì yuán kǎ mɑ?请问有会员卡吗?

Pro Tips: Now, I believe that you learned a lot from the above list. However, those words just a small part, if you want to learn more, welcome to attend our daily Chinese courses! Register here and have a free trial class now!


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