Hospital and Medical Chinese Vocabulary

If you are in China and you have to go to a Chinese hospital, this article may help you how to see a doctor in China. Let’s learn the Chinese hospital and medical vocabulary together!
Chinese hospital vocabulary

1. Related Words:

In the hospital

医院 yīyuàn (hospital) 轮椅 lún yǐ (wheelchair)
挂号 guà hào (to register) 手术 shǒu shù (surgical operation)
挂号 guà hào (to register)        手术 shǒu shù (surgical operation)
护士 hùshi (nurse)      住院 zhù yuàn (to be hospitalized)
外科医生 wàikē yīsheng (surgeon)       出院 chū yuàn (to leave hospital)
检查 jiǎn chá (inspection / examine)           温度计 wēndùjì (thermometer)
验血 yànxiě (blood test)  急诊室 jízhěn shì (emergency room)
结果 jiéguǒ (result) 


生病 shēngbìng (be sick) 发烧 fāshāo (have a cold)
受伤 shòushāng (injured) 鼻塞 bísāi (stuffy nose)
牙痛 yátòng (toothache)        呕吐 ǒutù (vomit)
胃痛 wèitòng (stomachache)      过敏 guò mǐn (allergy/allergic)
头痛 tóutòng (headache)       咳嗽 késou (cough)
背痛 bèitòng (backache)           拉肚子 lā dùzi (diarrhea)
感冒 gǎnmào (have a cold)  恶心 ěxīn (nauseous)

At the pharmacy:

药店 yàodiàn (pharmacy) 消炎药 xiāoyán yào (anti-inflammatory drugs)
维他命/维生素 wéitāmìng /wéishēng sù (vitamin) 头痛药 tóu tòng yào (hedex)
进口药 jìnkǒu yào (imported medicine)        胃药 wèi yào (stomach medicine)
感冒药 gǎnmào yào (coldrex)     

2. Useful Dialogue in Hospital

Express your pain to the doctor

A: 你哪里不舒服?Nǐ nǎli bù shūfu ? (What sickness do you have?)
B: 我头痛/ 我感冒了。Wǒ tóutòng / Wǒ gǎnmào le (I have headache / I caught a cold.)

Answer the doctor’s question

A: 你发烧吗?Nǐ fāshāo ma? (Do you have fever?)
B: 我不发烧。Wǒ bù fāshāo. (No, I don’t have fever.)
A: 你有没有拉肚子?Nǐ yǒuméiyǒu lā dùzi?(Do you have diarrhea?)
B: 对,我昨天一直拉肚子。duì, wǒ zuótiān yìzhí lā dùzi. (Yes, I had a bad case of diarrhea yesterday.)

Buy medicine in pharmacy

A: 您好!您需要什么药?Nínhǎo! Nín xūyào shénme yào? (Hello! May I help you?)
B: 我想买维生素片。Wǒ xiǎng mǎi wéishēngsù piàn. (I want to buy some vitamin tablets.)
A: 这些都是维生素片,您要哪一种?Zhèxie dōu shì wéishēngsù piàn, nín yào nǎ yī zhǒng? (All these are vitamin tablets. Which kind do you want?)
B: 它们有什么不一样?Tāmen yǒu shénme bù yíyàng? (What’s the difference?)
A:这三种是国产的,那两种是进口的。大瓶的里面有60片,小瓶的30片。Zhè sān zhǒng shì guóchǎn de, nà liǎng zhǒng shì jìnkǒu de. Dà píng de lǐmian yǒu 60 piàn, xiǎo píng de 30 piàn. (These three types are domestic brands. Those two are imported. The big bottle has 60 tablets, and the small one has 30.
B: 国产的成份和进口的一样吗?Guóchǎn de chéngfèn hé jìnkǒu de yíyàng ma? (Are the ingredients of the domestic ones and the imported ones the same?)
A:成份都一样,不过国产的没有进口的贵。Chéngfèn dōu yíyàng, búguò guóchǎn de méiyǒu jìnkǒu de guì. (The ingredients are all the same. But the domestic ones are not as expensive as the imported ones.)
B: 我要一瓶进口的,60片的,还要两盒感冒药。Wǒ yào yì píng jìnkǒu de, 60 piàn de, hái yào liǎng hé gǎnmào yào. (I want one bottle of the imported one, the bottle with 60 tablets. I also need two boxes of anti-cold medicine.)
A: 这种感冒药不错,就要这个,可以吗?Zhè zhǒng gǎnmào yào búcuò, jiù yào zhè ge, kěyǐ ma? (This type of anti-cold medicine is pretty good. How about getting this one?)
B: 可以。 Kěyǐ. (Okay.)
A:维生素片一天吃一次,每次一片。感冒药一天三次,每次两粒。Wéishēngsù piàn yì tiān chī yí cì, měicì yípiàn. Gǎnmào yào yì tiān sān cì, měicì liǎng lì. (For vitamin tablets, One-a-Day. For anti-cold medicine, two tablets, three times a day.)
B: 谢谢你!xièxie nǐ! (Thank you very much!)
Now you can easily see a doctor in Chinese hospital. However, there are more Chinese words or sentences you need to know if you meet some detailed problem in hospital. Here to book a free trial class to let our teachers help you learn more about it!


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