Hotel Chinese Lesson for Traveler and Hotel Staff

Fernanda, one of my students, got a management job in a Chinese hotel successfully yesterday. We have taken hotel Chinese lessons before the scheduled interview, and of course, her Chinese language skill made a great impression for the interviewer, this prompted me to write this article.

This article written for:
Foreigners work in Chinese hotel.
Travelers eschewed group travel or people come to China on a business trip. You know, in China most hotel receptionist don’t know English, especially in remote areas.

Hotel in Chinese character is 酒店, hotel in pinyin is jiǔ diàn. According to different accommodation levels, you can also see 宾馆 (bīn guǎn) means guesthouse, 旅馆 (lǚ guǎn) means inn, 旅社 (lǚ shè) means hostel, 饭店 (fàn diàn) means victualing house, 青年旅舍 (qīng nián lǚ shè) means youth hostel in China. Generally, we think hotel is the highest level.

Now let us learn Chinese for hotel from reservation to check out through the dialogues between front desk receptionist (前台接待员qián tái jiē dài yuán ) and guest (顾客gù kè).

预定房间 yù dìng fáng jiān
Making a Reservation

前台接待员:你好,有什么可以帮助到你?nǐ hǎo , yǒu shén me kě yǐ bāng zhù dào nǐ
Hello, how can I help you?
顾客: 我可以预定一个房间吗?wǒ kě yǐ yù dìng yī gè fáng jiān ma
Can I reserve a room?
前台接待员:当然, 能把姓名和电话号码给我吗?dāng rán , néng bǎ xìng míng hé diàn huà hào mǎ gěi wǒ ma
Certainly, can I have your name and phone number please?
顾客: 布鲁斯•坎贝尔, 我的电话号码是12346 bù lǔ sī ?kǎn bèi ěr , wǒ de diàn huà hào mǎ shì yī èr sān sì wǔ liù
Bruce Campbell, my phone number is 123456
前台接待员:你想要怎样的房间?nǐ xiǎng yào zěn yàng de fáng jiān
What kind of room do you want?
顾客: 我想订一个单人房间,请问房费是多少? wǒ xiǎng dìng yī gè dān rén fáng jiān ,qǐng wèn fáng fèi shì duō shǎo
I'd like to book a single room. What is the rate, please?
前台接待员:现行房费是300元一天。你想预定哪些天?xiàn xíng fáng fèi shì 300 yuán yī tiān 。nǐ xiǎng yù dìng nǎ xiē tiān
The current rate is¥300 per day.Which date do you want to reserve?
顾客: 3月4日下午到3月10日上午。sān  yuè sì rì xià wǔ dào sān  yuè shí rì shàng wǔ
From the after-noon of March 4 to the morning of March 10.
前台接待员:谢谢您。您已经预订了从 3 月 4 日到 10 日的一间单人房。您若不能如其到达,请务必在提前通知我们。xiè xiè nín 。 nín yǐ jīng yù dìng le cóng sān yuè sì rì dào shí rì de yī jiān dān rén fáng 。nín ruò bú néng rú qí dào dá ,qǐng wù bì zài tí qián tōng zhī wǒ men 。
Thank you. You’ve made a reservation at of a single room from March 4 to the morning of March 10. If you can’t arrive as schedule, please inform us advance.
顾客: 谢谢你。xiè xiè nǐ
Thank you.

登记入住 dēng jì rù zhù

顾客:你好,我是布鲁斯•坎贝尔。我已经约定了从今天开始入住的房间。我的电话号码是12346 nǐ hǎo ,wǒ shì bù lǔ sī ?kǎn bèi ěr 。wǒ yǐ jīng yuē dìng le cóng jīn tiān kāi shǐ rù zhù de fáng jiān 。wǒ de diàn huà hào mǎ shì yī èr sān sì wǔ liù
Hello. I’m Bruce Campbell. I have a reservation from today, my phone number is 123456.
前台接待员:请稍等,我查一下预订记录。卡贝尔先生,你预定了3月4日到10日的单人间,对吗?qǐng shāo děng ,wǒ chá yī xià yù dìng jì lù 。kǎ bèi ěr xiān shēng ,nǐ yù dìng le sān yuè sì rì dào shí rìde dān rén jiān ,duì ma
Just a moment please. I’ll check our reservation record. Mr. Campbell, you have reserved single room from March 4 to the morning of March 10, right?
前台接待员:一共2100元,请问是刷卡还是现金支付?yī gòng liǎng qiān yī bǎi yuán ,qǐng wèn shì shuā kǎ hái shì xiàn jīn zhī fù
The total is ¥2100. Swiping card or cash?
顾客: 刷卡。shuā kǎ
Swiping card
前台接待员:谢谢。你的房间号码是808,在8楼。 希望你住得愉快。xiè xiè 。nǐ de fáng jiān hào mǎ shì bā líng bā ,zài bā lóu 。 xī wàng nǐ zhù dé yú kuài 。
Thank you, Mr. Brown. Your room number is 808 on the 8th floor. Please enjoy your stay.

结账退房jié zhàng tuì fáng

顾客: 我想退房。wǒ xiǎng tuì fáng
I’d like to check out.
前台接待员:你住在什么房间?nǐ zhù zài shén me fáng jiān
What room were you in?
顾客:我想退808号房。wǒ xiǎng tuìbā líng bā hào fáng
I want to out of room 808.
前台接待员:请把房间钥匙给我。qǐng bǎ fáng jiān yào shí gěi wǒ
I need your room key.
顾客:给你。gěi nǐ。
Here it is.
前台接待员:我们期望能再次为您服务。wǒ men qī wàng néng zài cì wéi nín fú wù
We look forward to serving you again.
顾客:谢谢。xiè xiè
Thank you.

Now you can easily check into a hotel in China. However, to enjoy more hotel services or to be a qualified hotel staff, you need to know more. Here to book a free trial Chinese lesson to see what other hotel Chinese vocabulary our teachers can teach you.


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