Gratitude to You, My dear Teacher

Chinese Teacher’s Day is set on 10th September every year, and it provides Chinese students with an opportunity to express high appreciation and gratitude to their teachers. “尊师重道<zūn shī zhònɡ dào > (Honor teachers and esteem truth.)” is one of Chinese traditional etiquette. Thus Chinese students usually prepare letters of thanks and various gifts for teachers. And we usually say "谢谢您,老师。<xiè xie nín, lǎo shī。>", which means "Thank you, my teacher."

“师者,所以传道受业解惑也。< shī zhě, suó yǐ chuán dào shòu yè jiě huò yě。>” In all ages, the teacher is believed as the one who devotes himself to pass on knowledge, educate on various subjects and solve diverse problems. The relationship between teachers and students are serious in the past times because only generations born in a noble and politically connected family held the opportunity to enter the school, such as “太学<tài xué>” “国子监<ɡuó zǐ jiàn>”. For some children from civilian but rich families, they could enter private schools which were established by famous scholars and private businessmen. We usually called it “私塾<sī shú>” or “书院<shū yuàn>”, like the Academy.

And there were four famous academies existed throughout Chinese history:

yìnɡ tiān shū yuàn
应天书院:In Nanjing, Jiangsu Prov. The only academy was upgraded the official highest educational institution.
yuè lù shū yuàn
岳麓书院: In Changsha, Hunan Prov. The only academy disparked to enroll students again.
sōnɡ yánɡ shū yuàn
嵩阳书院: In Dengfeng, Henan Prov. It was regarded as a Confucian shrine.
bái lù dònɡ shū yuàn
白鹿洞书院: In Jiujiang, Jiangxi Prov. It spread through the ages for its formal teaching system and graceful scenery.
The Confucianism has been influenced Chinese education with over 2500 years, with respected and noted masters contributing on it. And “孔子<kǒnɡ zǐ>” (Confucius) is always believed as the first educator.
Chinese people like to compare their teachers to various objects to show their respect and gratitude. And we also use them to express our profound feelings to our teachers.

Let’s see from the following poetry verses:

chūn cán dào sǐ sī fānɡ jìn, là jù chénɡ huī lèi shǐ ɡān。
(Dead silkworm silk ended. Candles burn into ash still.)
Here the poet regarded teachers burning their lives to education as candles.
lìnɡ ɡōnɡ táo lǐ mǎn tiān xià, hé yònɡ tánɡ qián ɡènɡ zhònɡ huā。
(Your Mister makes plum blossoms everywhere, not to raise flowers on the court.)
Here the poet compared teachers to gardeners who planted flowers and fruits with whole lives.
suí fēnɡ qián rù yè, rùn wù xì wú shēnɡ。
(Wind into a night, moistens it in silence.)
Teacher’s enlightenments and instructions like the wind, which influence students’ characteristics without obvious ways.
xīn zhú ɡāo yú jiù zhú zhī, quán pínɡ lǎo ɡān wéi fú chí。
(Newborn bamboo is higher than the old, with the support of mature bole.)
Here the newborn bamboo is the student, who is supported by his teacher thus he is becoming a mature even beyond his teacher.
On such a special day, please say "Thank you" to your teachers. Would you like to learn more about Chinese Teacher's Day? Welcome to book a free trial lesson and let our teachers help in your Chinese right now!.


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