How to See a Doctor in China

It never feels good to fall ill in a foreign country. But what if this really happens? How to see a doctor in China? What’s the procedure of seeing a doctor in China? How can you describe your condition or your feelings to the doctor in Chinese?

Procedure of seeing a doctor in China hospitals

bìng rén 病人: Patient lí yuàn 离院: Leave the hospital
Tip - xiǎo fèi 小费 Wallet - qián bāo 钱包
yī yuàn 医院: Hospital huà yàn 化验: Chemical examination
guà hào 挂号: Register jiǎn chá 检查: Check
yī shēng 医生: Doctor jí zhěn 急诊: Emergency treatment
jiù zhěn 就诊: Diagnosis zhù yuàn 住院: Be in hospital
fù fèi 付费: Pay qǔ yào 取药: Get the medicine
Normally, a standard procedure for slight illness is:
Patient-Hospital-Register- Check -Diagnosis-Pay-Get the medicine-Leave the hospital.

Chinese words about illness:

If any part of your body hurts, you can use this structure:
wǒ            tòng
我 + (any body parts) + 痛 (My....hurts. / I have ...ache)
wǒ tóu tòng
(My head hurts.)
wǒ yá tòng
(I have a toothache. )
Except for those simple expressions, you can also tell the doctor that you feel you’ve had a cold or had a fever.
gǎn mào 感冒: Have a cold fā shāo 发烧: Have a fever
ké sòu 咳嗽: Have a cough hóu lóng tong 喉咙痛: Have a sore throat
liú bí tì 流鼻涕: Running nose dǎ pēn tì 打喷嚏: Sneeze
tóu yūn 头晕: Feel dizzy méi wèi kǒu 没胃口: Have no appetite
yī shēng ,wǒ hǎo xiàng gǎn mào le 。tóu hěn yūn ,hái yì zhí dǎ pēn tì 。
(Doctor, I might have a cold. I feel dizzy and keep sneezing.)
wǒ fā shāo le, méi yǒu wèi kǒu。
(I’ve got a fever and have no appetite.)
And, after you got your medicine, you should ask the doctor:
zhè gè yào yī tiān chī jǐ cì?
(How often should I take this medicine each day?)
zhè gè yào fàn qián chī hái shì fàn hòu chī ?
(Should I take this medicine before a meal or after a meal?)
Above are the most simple sentences for use when you going to see a doctor in China. By mastering those words and phrases, you can make basic communication with the doctor together with some body language. But I hope all of you won’t need to use it in the future. May you be healthy and lead a happy life in China!
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